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boxing work中文是什么意思

用"boxing work"造句"boxing work"怎么读"boxing work" in a sentence


  • 模板工程


  • All right , i fiinished my box work , but i wanted to show you before i showed landy
  • When the digital cable set - top box working , the entire dvb - c receiver work is establishment on the synchronized
    在数字有线电视机顶盒的工作中,整个dvb - c接收机的工作都是建立在同步的基础上的。
  • This module allows you to make an ordinary vb combo box work as an auto - complete combo box . an application that demonstrates its usage is included
  • Autocomplete / auto dropdown combo box - this module allows you to make an ordinary vb combo box work as an auto - complete combo box . an application that demonstrates its usage is included
  • But the 26 - year - old ’ s tireless box - to - box work , breaking up play and releasing the ball to united ' s attacking players , could glean more goals in a side that struck a staggering 123 in all competitions last season
  • He wore a vest of garnet - colored velvet , with buttons of cut gold ; a silk waistcoat covered with embroidery ; a roman scarf tied round his neck ; a cartridge - box worked with gold , and red and green silk ; sky - blue velvet breeches , fastened above the knee with diamond buckles ; garters of deerskin , worked with a thousand arabesques , and a hat whereon hung ribbons of all colors ; two watches hung from his girdle , and a splendid poniard was in his belt
  • This machine is comparatively effective in cut - ting and suitable for cutting various kinds of paper . card - board , wood - based plywood , rubber , plastics and similar materials . it is an indispensible cutting machine for print - ing houses , carton and cardboard box works and manufacturers making product of rubber , plas - tice and synthetic leather
用"boxing work"造句  
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